Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Today's Bento Adventure

We gave this one a 5/5. We liked all the parts to it, and I tried really hard to make a better presentation than we'd previously had.

Top tier: "Chik'n" patty sandwiches (Ross's with bleu cheese and fake bacon bits, mine with just pickles), strawberries separated by arugula baran, cherries, and blueberries.

Mmm strawberries...

Neither of us really like arugula that much outside of a real salad, so we ended up just tossing it into the garden, but it helped keep the sandwiches from getting all squishy from the berries :)

Cherries and blueberries that were just starting to go off a little, so I wanted to use them up. It started out as just trying to fill in the spaces around the sandwiches, but it ended up pretty attractive, I think. Not to mention delicious :3

(I do really love berries :P)

Bottom tier: Regular Ramen noodles with a can of mandarin oranges, some peanut sauce, sesame oil, and soy sauce. It didn't look as pretty as the top did, but it really stole the show taste-wise.

Close up look at the oranges. I just love them. And orange + noodles + peanut is always a good idea. The only real problem was that there wasn't a good mixture of textures, but if we had had some peanuts to throw in, I think that would have fixed that, though I loved it just as it was.

After getting outside, we decided that some furikake on top of the noodles might be kind of good, so we grabbed some that we had prepared for an earlier bento and dashed it on. Ross made it out of white sesame seeds ground with salt, ginger powder, and a little black pepper for color. It doesn't add too much to taste, but then again, I don't think it needed to in this case.

Overall, the sandwiches were yummy yummy (if you don't mind the technical jargon there), the berries always awesome, and the orange peanut ramen especially stellar, with just a hint of heat mixing oh so well with the cool of the oranges. I will definitely do this on again sometime. It made a contented kitty :3

It made my face do this. :)

Mmmmmmmmm....happy tummy.

Ross says he would have liked some kind of salad on the side, but with these particular bento, we might not have had room unless we moved the ramen aside (which, on reflection, would be fine really) and put some either next to a baran or in a side dish cup with some dressing containers.

I loved the food, but would have liked some cute food picks. Since we're "bunny and kitty" some appropriately-themed ones would be really nice, but I have none, and can only ever find rabbits paired with bears for some reason :( I also would like some different sauce containers, as we've only obtained the see-through soy sauce ones. While I do like those, some "zomgkawaii" ones would be awesome :3

Until next time!

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